About Zelma

Zelma Education is a comprehensive, interactive, AI-powered U.S. state assessment data repository that aims to make state assessment data more widely accessible and engaging for the general public. Zelma includes all publicly-available assessment data from all 50 states and D.C. for students in Grades 3-8.

Developed at Brown University, Zelma Education integrates data across state-, district-, and school- levels, disaggregated by subject, grade level and student subgroups. This information can lend important insight into proficiency trends and changes in achievement gaps over time. We also integrate data from State Education Agencies (SEAs) with important school and district identifiers from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) to support researchers seeking to understand student outcome data across a range of external datasets.

Zelma is dedicated to encouraging education leaders, teachers, parents, journalists, researchers, and the general public to interact with and learn from the vast amount of assessment data available for each state. We caution that the results are NOT comparable across states, as states administer distinct assessments. Rather, for each state, Zelma can provide insight into trends and outcomes across districts and schools.


We are grateful for the collaboration and contributions of ParentData, Brown University, the Walton Family Foundation, Novy, and OpenAI in the development of Zelma.

ParentData LogoBrown University LogoThe Walton Family FoundationNovyOpenAI Logo
Terms of Service

Please review our terms of service to understand the appropriate use of Zelma resources and data. All data available through Zelma Education is licensed to users through the Open Data Commons Attribution License (ODC-By) v1.0.

Citing Zelma

Data files used to produce information for the general public such as articles, reports, or presentations, should cite the data source as follows:
Citation Format: Zelma Education (Version #). [year]. "[query title]." Accessed at [query link] on Month DD, YYYY.
Example: Zelma Education (Version 1.0). 2023. "Achievement Gap Between Black and White Students in Georgia in Math Over Time." Accessed at https://www.zelma.ai/query/3v9pCxnd3m on October 4, 2023.


Zelma was made possible through the financial support of the Walton Family Foundation and Brown University. Our funders have had no input on the information shared on this site.

©2023 Zelma Education