
Version 1.1 data released June 18, 2024

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Version: 1.1
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Data Availability

Version: 1.1
There may be intermittent years missing if the state did not publish data, for example due to field testing a new assesment.
StateSubjectDate StartDate EndMissing Years
CaliforniaSocial Studies20102013
ColoradoSocial Studies20152015
DelawareSocial Studies201520222017, 2018
District of ColumbiaELA201520232021
District of ColumbiaMath201520232021
District of ColumbiaScience201920232021
GeorgiaSocial Studies20112023
IndianaSocial Studies20142023
KentuckyScience201220232015, 2016, 2017
KentuckySocial studies201220232021
LouisianaSocial Studies201520232016
MassachusettsScience201020232015, 2016
MichiganScience201520232018, 2019
MichiganSocial Studies20152023
New HampshireELA20092023
New HampshireMath20092023
New HampshireScience200920232014
New JerseyELA201520232021
New JerseyMath201520232021
New JerseyScience201920222021
New MexicoELA20172023
New MexicoMath20172023
New MexicoScience201720232021
New YorkELA20062023
New YorkMath20062023
New YorkScience20062023
New YorkSocial Studies20062010
North CarolinaELA20142023
North CarolinaMath20142023
North CarolinaScience20142023
North DakotaELA20152023
North DakotaMath20152023
North DakotaScience20152023
OhioSocial Studies20162017
Rhode IslandELA20182023
Rhode IslandMath20182023
Rhode IslandScience20192023
South CarolinaELA20162023
South CarolinaMath20162023
South CarolinaScience20162023
South CarolinaSocial Studies20162019
South DakotaELA200320232014
South DakotaMath200320232014
South DakotaScience20072023
TennesseeScience201020232016, 2019
TennesseeSocial Studies201320232015, 2016, 2017
TexasSocial Studies20122023
VirginiaSocial Studies19982014
West VirginiaELA20152023
West VirginiaMath20152023
West VirginiaScience20192023
WisconsinSocial Studies20162023
Version: 1.1

The Zelma codebook provides the full list of variables contained in all state data files, as well as a brief description of each variable, value labels, and the data source. Not all files have available data for all variables; in other words, even though all files have all variables in the file, some fields may be empty. The codebook can also be accessed via a CSV download.
The data sources for all variables include the National Center for Education Statistics (“NCES”), raw data or information from state education agencies (“SEA”), and flags for changes in assessments contributed by Zelma as a guide for researchers interested in comparing data over time (“Zelma”).


State name


Two-letter state abbreviation




School year in which the data were reported

1997-98 to 2022-23 School years range from 1997-98 to 2022-23 depending on the state (e.g., 2021-22 represents data from Spring 2022)SEA

Level at which the data are reported

StateData represent outcomes for the stateSEA
DistrictData represent outcomes for the districtSEA
SchoolData represent outcomes for the schoolSEA

District name

All DistrictsValue used for state-level dataZelma
[individual district names]District names as reported by the SEA or the associated district-name for a given school according to the NCESSEA, NCES

School name

All SchoolsValue used for state- and district-level dataZelma
[individual school names]School names as reported by the SEA or the associated school name for a given school according to the NCESSEA, NCES

NCES district ID

[7 digit number]The district's the 7-digit federal identification number. The first 2 digits of the 7 digit school district ID identify the state and the last 5 identify the district ID. Put together, they make a 7 digit unique ID code for each school district.NCES

State-assigned district ID

[Numbers/letters/symbols, depending on state]The district's identification code as used by the SEA. Typically this is the ID used in SEA data files for reporting purposes.SEA, NCES

NCES school ID

[12 digit number]The school's 12-digit federal school identification number. The first 7 digits of the 12 digit school ID are the district ID, and the last five are the school ID.NCES

State-assigned school ID

[Numbers/letters/symbols, depending on state]The school's identification code as used by the SEA. Typically this is the ID used in SEA data files for reporting purposes.SEA, NCES

Name of state assessment

[assessment names]Name of the subject-area assessment for the given school yearSEA

Assessment type

RegularRegular/general assessment onlySEA
Regular and altAggregated data from the regular/general assessment AND the state's alternate assessmentSEA

Assessment subject area

elaEnglish language arts. Note: Some states may only have ELA or reading in the original file, while other states have both. • If a state provides both "reading" AND "ela" data in their files (applies to Arkansas and Georgia), the subjects are labeled "read" and "ela", respectively. • If a state has ONLY reading data and NOT ELA data (in more recent years most states have transitioned to ELA), this will be marked as "ela" in the data fileSEA
socSocial studiesSEA
engEnglish (Note: only available for Arkansas, 2015-16 to 2022-23)SEA
readReading (Note: only available for Arkansas, 2015-16 to 2022-23; and Georgia, 2010-11 to 2013-14)SEA
stemScience, technology, engineering and math. (Note: only available for Arkansas, 2015-16 to 2022-23)SEA

Grade tested

G03Grade 3SEA
G04Grade 4SEA
G05Grade 5SEA
G06Grade 6SEA
G07Grade 7SEA
G08Grade 8SEA
G38Aggregated Grade 3-8 dataSEA
GZAggregated data for more than Grades 3-8. Disaggregated grade level data not available.SEA

Student demographic category

All StudentsAll studentsSEA
RaceEthRace/ethnicity categorySEA
EL StatusEnglish learner categorySEA
Economic StatusEconomic status categorySEA
GenderGender categorySEA
Disability StatusDisability status categorySEA
Migrant StatusMigrant status categorySEA
Homeless Enrolled StatusHomeless enrolled categorySEA
Foster Care StatusFoster care categorySEA
Miltary Connected StatusMilitary-connected categorySEA

Number of tested students in the designated StudentGroup

[whole numbers]When available from the SEA, whole numbers are provided for the total number of students tested for a given year-grade-subject area. Notes: • The "All Students" StudentGroup value is applied across all StudentGroups, representing the total number of students tested for given year-grade-subject area. The number may differ slightly from the sum of the StudentSubGroup_TotalTested counts. • If tested counts are not avilable from the SEA, counts are applied from EDFacts, which includes the counts of students tested in ELA and math for each state, grade, and subgroup. • If EDFacts data are incomplete, SEA enrollment data are used (Utah only) • In some cases, counts are not available from either the SEA or EDFacts.SEA, EDFacts
[ranges]In some cases, states provide only ranges for the counts of students testedSEA, EDFacts
*SEA data are suppressedSEA, EDFacts
--SEA data are missingSEA, EDFacts

Student demographic subgroup category. See details by student group below.

Subgroup labels and classification procedures may vary by state and year.

StudentGroup: All Students

All StudentsSEA

StudentGroup: RaceEth

American Indian or Alaska NativeStudents who are American Indian or Alaska Native, as classified by SEAsSEA
AsianStudents who are Asian, as classified by SEAs. (Note: some states aggregate data for "Asian / Pacific Islander" (e.g., Alaska, Idaho, Missouri, New Hampshire, New York); these outcomes are classified as "Asian" for Zelma purposes.SEA
Black or African AmericanStudents who are Black or African American, as classified by SEAsSEA
Native Hawaiian or Pacific IslanderStudents who are Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, as classified by SEAs (see note for "Asian" students, above)SEA
Two or MoreStudents who are Two or More races or ethnicities, as classified by SEAsSEA
WhiteStudents who are White, as classified by SEAsSEA
Hispanic or LatinoStudents who are Hispanic or Latino, as classified by SEAsSEA
Not Hispanic or LatinoStudents who are Not Hispanic or Latino, as classified by SEAs (Note: only available for Alabama)SEA
FilipinoStudents who are Filipino, as classified by SEAs (Note: only available for California)SEA
UnknownStudents whose race/ethnicity is Unknown, as classified by SEAsSEA

StudentGroup: EL Status

English LearnerStudents who meet the state's criteria for being classified as an "English learner" (Note: all states use their own process and procedures for English learner classification and re-classification as "English proficient")SEA
English ProficientStudents who meet the state's criteria for being classified as "English proficient" (Note: all states use their own process and procedures for English learner classification and re-classification as "English proficient")SEA
EL ExitedStudents who had previously been classified as an "English learner" (EL) but who have ever "exited" or "ended" their EL status by attaining English proficiency as measured by the state's EL assessment. These students are considered "English proficient". (Note: all states use their own process and procedures for English learner classification and re-classification as "English proficient")SEA
EL Monit or Recently ExEL Monitored or Recently Exited: Students who had previously been classified as an "English learner" (EL) but who had "exited" or "ended" their EL status by attaining English proficiency in the past 1-4 years as measured by the state's EL assessment. This is different from the "EL Exited" category, which includes ALL EL students who have ever exited the EL status. These students are considered "English proficient". (Note: all states use their own process and procedures for English learner classification and re-classification as "English proficient")SEA
EL and Monit or Recently ExEL *AND* Monitored or Recently Exited: Students who are *currently* English learners, as well as students who have "exited" or "ended" their EL status by attaining English proficiency in the past 1-4 years as measured by the state's EL assessment. Some students in this category are therefore "English learners" while others are "English proficient". (Note: all states use their own process and procedures for English learner classification and re-classification as "English proficient")SEA
LTELLong-term English learners: Students who the state has classified as English learners for an extended period of time, as determined by the state. Typically, LTELs are students who have been classified as ELs for a minimum of 6 years. These students are considered "English learners". Definitions vary by state (and not all states define LTELs).SEA
Ever ELStudents who have ever been classified as an English learner. Some students in this category are therefore "English learners" while others are "English proficient".SEA

StudentGroup: Economic Status

Economically DisadvantagedStudents the SEA has classified as "economically disadvantaged", "low-income", "FRL", "eligible for free or reduced lunch", "ses"SEA
Not Economically DisadvantagedStudents the SEA has classified as "non-economically disadvantaged", "non-low-income", "non-FRL", "self-paid lunch only", "not eligible for free or reduced lunch", "ses"SEA

StudentGroup: Gender

MaleStudents the SEA has classified as "male"SEA
FemaleStudents the SEA has classified as "female"SEA
Gender XStudents the SEA has classified as "non-binary" or "Gender X"SEA
UnknownStudents the SEA has classified as "unknown" or "no indication of gender"SEA

StudentGroup: Disability Status

SWDStudents with disabilities: Students the SEA has classified as having a disabilitySEA
Non-SWDNon-students with disabilities: Students the SEA has classified as not having a disabilitySEA

StudentGroup: Migrant Status

MigrantStudents the SEA has classified as "migrant" for federal reporting purposesSEA
Non-MigrantStudents the SEA has not classified as "migrant" for federal reporting purposesSEA

StudentGroup: Homeless Enrolled Status

HomelessStudents the SEA has classified as "homeless enrolled" for federal reporting purposesSEA
Non-HomelessStudents the SEA has not classified as "homeless enrolled" for federal reporting purposesSEA

StudentGroup: Foster Care Status

Foster CareStudents the SEA has classified as receiving foster care services for federal reporting purposesSEA
Non-Foster CareStudents the SEA has not classified as receiving foster care services for federal reporting purposesSEA

StudentGroup: Miltary Connected Status

MilitaryStudents the SEA has classified as being in a family connected to the military for federal reporting purposesSEA
Non-MilitaryStudents the SEA has not classified as being in a family connected to the military for federal reporting purposesSEA

Number of tested students in the designated Student SubGroup.

[whole numbers]When available from the SEA, whole numbers are provided for the number of students tested for a given year-grade-subject area-subgroup. Notes: • If subgroup tested counts are not avilable from the SEA, counts are applied from EDFacts, which includes the counts of students tested in ELA and math for each state, grade, and subgroup. • If EDFacts data are incomplete, SEA enrollment data are used (Utah only) • In some cases, subgoup counts are not available from either the SEA or EDFacts.SEA, EDFacts
[ranges]In some cases, states provide only ranges for the counts of students tested in each subgroupSEA, EDFacts
*SEA data are suppressedSEA, EDFacts
--SEA data are missingSEA, EDFacts
05_PerformanceLev1_count, Lev2_count, Lev3_count, Lev4_count, Lev5_count, Lev6_count

Count of students within subgroup performing at each of Levels 1 through Level 6. Data disaggregated by performance level (i.e., level counts and level percents) are not available for all states.

[whole numbers]When available from the SEA, whole numbers are provided for level counts (also known as achievement level counts or performance level counts). Notes: • If level counts were not provided from the SEA but tested counts and level percents were available, Zelma derived the level counts or count ranges. Therefore, the sum of level counts may not add up to the total tested in some cases due to rounding or due to inconsistencies in the SEA data. • Ohio is the only state that uses 6 achievement levels. This is the only state with Lev6_count included as a variable.SEA, Zelma
[ranges]In some cases, states provide only ranges for the level counts. If level counts were not provided from the state but tested counts and level percents were available, Zelma derived the level counts or count ranges. Therefore, the sum of level counts may not add up to the total tested in some cases due to rounding. SEA, Zelma
*SEA data are suppressedSEA
--SEA data are missingSEA
05_PerformanceLev1_percent, Lev2_percent, Lev3_percent, Lev4_percent, Lev5_percent, Lev6_percent

Percent of students within subgroup performing at each of Levels 1 through Level 6. Data disaggregated by performance level (i.e., level counts and level percents) are not available for all states.

[decimal between 0 - 1]When available from the SEA, the percent of students performing at each level (also known as achievement level counts or performance level counts) is presented as a decimal. Notes: • If level percents were not provided from the SEA but tested counts and level counts were available, Zelma derived the level percents or percent ranges. Therefore, the sum of level percents may not add up to 1 in some cases due to rounding or due to inconsistencies in the SEA data. • Ohio is the only state that uses 6 achievement levels. This is the only state with Lev6_percent included as a variable.SEA, Zelma
[ranges]In some cases, states provide only ranges for the level counts. If level counts were not provided from the state but tested counts and level percents were available, Zelma derived the level counts or count ranges. Therefore, the sum of level counts may not add up to the total tested in some cases due to rounding. SEA, Zelma
*SEA data are suppressedSEA
--SEA data are missingSEA

Avg scale score within subgroup.

[values from SEA]Average scale score as provided from SEASEA
*SEA data are suppressedSEA
--SEA data are missingSEA

Levels included in determining proficiency status.

[ranges]Levels used by SEA to determine proficiency status, depending on the year, subject, and grade level.SEA, Zelma

Count of students achieving proficiency or above on the state assessment.

[whole numbers]When available from the SEA, whole numbers are provided for level counts. If variable was not provided from the SEA but level counts were available/not suppressed, Zelma derived the count of students achieving proficiency or above. Therefore, the sum of level counts may not add up to the total tested in some cases due to rounding. SEA, Zelma
[ranges]In some cases, states provide only ranges for the level counts. If level counts were not provided from the state but tested counts and level percents were available, Zelma derived the level counts or count ranges. Therefore, the sum of level counts may not add up to the total tested in some cases due to rounding. SEA, Zelma
*SEA data are suppressedSEA
--SEA data are missingSEA

Percent of students achieving proficiency or above on the state assessment.

[whole numbers]When available from the SEA, the percent of students performing at proficient or above is presented as a decimal. If the variable was not provided from the SEA but this value could be determined based on available information, Zelma derived the percent of students achieving proficiency or above.SEA, Zelma
[ranges]In some cases, states provide only ranges for the percent of students performing at proficient or above. If the variable was not provided from the SEA but the high and low value of the range could be determined based on available information, Zelma derived the values.SEA, Zelma
*SEA data are suppressedSEA
--SEA data are missingSEA

Participation rate

[decimal between 0 - 1]When available from the SEA, student participation for each year-subject-grade-subgroup is presented as a decimal. In some cases, if participation rate data are not available from SEAs, values are applied from EDFacts.SEA, EDFacts
[ranges]In some cases, states provide only ranges for student participation.SEA
*SEA data are suppressedSEA
--SEA data are missingSEA

Flag denoting a change in the assessment's name from the prior year only.

YesAssessment name for the given subject-year-grade changed from the prior year. A name change may or may not also indicate a change in cut scores for a given year-subject.Zelma
NoAssessment name for the given subject-year-grade did NOT change from the prior year. Some subjects may change assessment names even if others within the same year do not.Zelma

Flag denoting a change in scoring determinations in ELA from the prior year only

YesThe subject-area cut scores / way that the state defines proficiency for ELA in a given year changed from the prior year. Results are not comparable to prior years. Zelma
NoThe subject-area cut scores / way that the state defines proficiency for ELA in a given year did NOT change from the prior year. Results are comparable to prior years. Zelma
Not applicableThe subject-area assessment was not administered for the given school year.Zelma

Flag denoting a change in scoring determinations in math from the prior year only

YesThe subject-area cut scores / way that the state defines proficiency for math in a given year changed from the prior year. Results are not comparable to prior years. Zelma
NoThe subject-area cut scores / way that the state defines proficiency for math in a given year did NOT change from the prior year. Results are comparable to prior years. Zelma
Not applicableThe subject-area assessment was not administered for the given school year.Zelma

Flag denoting a change in scoring determinations in science from the prior year only

YesThe subject-area cut scores / way that the state defines proficiency for math in a given year changed from the prior year. Results are not comparable to prior years. Zelma
NoThe subject-area cut scores / way that the state defines proficiency for math in a given year did NOT change from the prior year. Results are comparable to prior years. Zelma
Not applicableThe subject-area assessment was not administered for the given school year.Zelma

Flag denoting a change in scoring determinations in social studies from the prior year only

YesThe subject-area cut scores / way that the state defines proficiency for social studies in a given year changed from the prior year. Results are not comparable to prior years. Zelma
NoThe subject-area cut scores / way that the state defines proficiency for social studies in a given year did NOT change from the prior year. Results are comparable to prior years. Zelma
Not applicableThe subject-area assessment was not administered for the given school year.Zelma

District type

Regular local school districtLocally governed agency responsible for providing free public elementary or secondary education; includes independent school districts and those that are a dependent segment of a local government such as a city or county.NCES
Component districtRegular local school district that shares its superintendent and administrative services with other school districts participating in the supervisory union.NCES
Local school district that is a component of a supervisory unionLocal school district component of a supervisory union sharing a superintendent and administrative services with other local school districts.NCES
Supervisory unionAn education agency that performs administrative services for more than one school district, providing a common superintendent for participating districts.NCES
Regional education service agencyAgency providing specialized education services to a variety of local education agencies, or a county superintendent serving the same purposes.NCES
State-operated agencyAgency that is charged, at least in part, with providing elementary and/or secondary instruction or support services. Includes the State Education Agency if this agency operates schools. Examples include elementary/secondary schools operated by the state for the deaf or blind; and programs operated by state correctional facilities.NCES
Federal-operated agencyA federal agency that is charged, at least in part., with providing elementary or secondary instruction or support services.NCES
Charter agencyAll schools associated with the agency are charter schools.NCES
Specialized public school districtA specialized public school district is a school district that operates one or more schools that are designed for a specific educational need or purpose. Not all states have specialized public school districts.NCES
Other education agencyAgency providing elementary or secondary instruction or support services that does not fall within the other definitions of district types.NCES

Charter indicator for district

YesAll schools associated with the agency are charter schools.NCES
NoSchools associated with the agency are not charter schools.NCES

Definition and values from NCES through with 2005-06 school year, referred to as the "metro-centric locale": An indication of school's location relative to a populous area. The locales assigned to school districts are based on the locale code of their schools, weighted by the size of the schools' membership.

City, LargeTerritory inside an urbanized area and inside a principal city with population of 250,000 or more.NCES
City, MidsizeTerritory inside an urbanized area and inside a principal city with population less than 250,000 and greater than or equal to 100,000.NCES
City, SmallTerritory inside an urbanized area and inside a principal city with population less than 100,000.NCES
Suburb, LargeTerritory outside a principal city and inside an urbanized area with population of 250,000 or more.NCES
Suburb, MidsizeTerritory outside a principal city and inside an urbanized area with population less than 250,000 and greater than or equal to 100,000.NCES
Suburb, SmallTerritory outside a principal city and inside an urbanized area with population less than 100,000.NCES
Town, FringeTerritory inside an urban cluster that is less than or equal to 10 miles from an urbanized area.NCES
Town, DistantTerritory inside an urban cluster that is more than 10 miles and less than or equal to 35 miles from an urbanized area.NCES
Town, RemoteTerritory inside an urban cluster that is more than 35 miles of an urbanized area.NCES
Rural, FringeCensus-defined rural territory that is less than or equal to 5 miles from an urbanized area, as well as rural territory that is less than or equal to 2.5 miles from an urban cluster.NCES
Rural, DistantCensus-defined rural territory that is more than 5 miles but less than or equal to 25 miles from an urbanized area, as well as rural territory that is more than 2.5 miles but less than or equal to 10 miles from an urban cluster.NCES
Rural, RemoteCensus-defined rural territory that is more than 25 miles from an urbanized area and is also more than 10 miles from an urban cluster.NCES

Definition and values from NCES begining with 2006-07 school year, referred to as the "urban-centric locale": An indication of school's location relative to a populous area. The locales assigned to school districts are based on the locale code of their schools, weighted by the size of the schools' membership.

Large cityA principal city of a metropolitan core based statistical area (CBSA), with the city having a population greater than or equal to 250,000.NCES
Midsize cityA principal city of a metropolitan CBSA, with the city having a population less than 250,000.NCES
Urban fringe of a large cityAny incorporated place, Census-designated place, or non-place territory within a metropolitan CBSA of a large city and defined as urban by the Census Bureau.NCES
Urban fringe of a midsize cityAny incorporated place, Census-designated place, or non-place territory within a metropolitan CBSA of a midsize city and defined as urban by the Census Bureau.NCES
Large townAn incorporated place or Census-designated place with a population greater than or equal to 25,000 and located outside a metropolitan CBSA or inside a micropolitan CBSA.NCES
Small townAn incorporated place or Census-designated place with a population less than 25,000 and greater than or equal to 2,500 and located outside a metropolitan CBSA or inside a micropolitan CBSA.NCES
Rural, outside CBSAAny incorporated place, Census-designated place, or non-place territory not within a metropolitan CBSA or within a micropolitan CBSA and defined as rural by the Census Bureau.NCES
Rural, inside CBSAAny incorporated place, Census-designated place, or non-place territory within a metropolitan CBSA and defined as rural by the Census Bureau.NCES

School type

Regular schoolA public elementary/secondary school providing instruction and education services that does not focus primarily on special education, vocational/technical education, or alternative education, or on any of the particular themes associated with magnet/special program emphasis schools.NCES
Special education schoolA public elementary/secondary school that focuses primarily on special education—including instruction for any of the following students with: autism, deaf-blindness, developmental delay, hearing impairment, intellectual disability, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairment, serious emotional disturbance, specific learning disability, speech or language impairment, traumatic brain injury, visual impairment, and other health impairments—and that adapts curriculum, materials, or instruction for students served.NCES
Vocational schoolA public elementary/secondary school that focuses primarily on providing formal preparation for semiskilled, skilled, technical, or professional occupations for high school-age students who have opted to develop or expand their employment opportunities, often in lieu of preparing for college entry.NCES
Other/alternative schoolA public elementary/secondary school that (1) addresses needs of students that typically cannot be met in a regular school, (2) provides nontraditional education, (3) serves as an adjunct to a regular school, or (4) falls outside the categories of regular, special education, or vocational education.NCES
Reportable programA program within a school that may be self-contained, but does not have its own principal. This value started with the 2007-08 file.NCES

School level. NCES first implemented a school-level code in 2000–01. This code indicates the instructional level of the school, based on the lowest and highest grades offered by the school.

PrimaryLow grade = PK-03; high grade = PK-08NCES
MiddleLow grade = 04-07; high grade = 04-09NCES
HighLow grade = 07-12; high grade = 12 onlyNCES
Adult EducationLow grade = adult education; high grade = adult educationNCES
SecondaryGrade 9, 10, or 11 offered, number of secondary grades greater than number of middle grades, no grade 12 offered (schools and LEAs that offer instruction in grades 9, 10, 11, and/or 12 that also offer Grade PK or K (but instruction in no other grades) were classified as High in SY 2016-17 and prior years and will be classified as Secondary or High in SY 2017-18 and going forward). NCES added value label in 2017-18.NCES
UngradedLow grade = ungraded; high grade = ungradedNCES
OtherAll other combinations of grade levels of instruction in a schoolNCES
Not applicableLow grade = not applicable; high grade = not applicableNCES
Missing/not reportedValue not available from NCESNCES

Virtual school indicator. NCES first implemented a school-level virtual code in 2013-14. This code indicates if virtual instruction is used by the school.

YesExclusively virtual. All instruction offered by the school is virtual. This does not exclude students and teachers meeting in person for field trips, school-sponsored social events, or assessment purposes. All students receive all instruction virtually. NCES
NoNo virtual instruction. The school does not offer any virtual instruction. No students receive any virtual instruction. NCES
Virtual with face to face optionsPrimarily virtual. The school’s major purpose is to provide virtual instruction to students, but some traditional classroom instruction is also provided. Most students receive all instruction virtually. Prior to SY 2019–20, this value was labeled as “Virtual with face to face options.”NCES
Supplemental virtualSupplemental virtual. Instruction is directed by teachers in a traditional classroom setting; virtual instruction supplements face-to-face instruction by teachers. Students vary in the extent to which their instruction is virtual.NCES
Missing/not reportedValue not available from NCESNCES

The name of county in which a local education agency is located. Prior to 2006-07, the county assignment was based on the counties of the schools associated with the local education agency, weighted by student enrollment.

[county names]NCES

County code in which the district is located, also referred to as the county-level FIPS code

[county codes]NCES

Data Changelog

VersionDate ReleasedDescriptionCodebookTechnical DocumentationDownload Data
Current version
Jun 18, 2024
  • Includes 2023 assessment data for all 50 states
  • Added additional student subgroup proficiency data, including outcomes by disability status, migrant status, homeless enrolled status, foster care status, and military connected status. Also incorporated new subgroups within race/ethnicity, gender, and English learner status
  • Added new grade level x subgroup data for Arkansas, Florida, Hawaii, Indiana, Iowa, Nevada, Oklahoma
  • Added new outcomes by achievement level for Hawaii, Ohio
  • Added achievement level counts for all states based on achievement level percents
  • Added new flags for changes in science and social studies assessments compared to prior year
Dec 6, 2023

Initial release of Zelma data with all available 2023 proficiency data released as of November 2023


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