SELECT school_year, ABS( ( ( SUM( CASE WHEN student_subgroup = 'BLACK_OR_AFRICAN_AMERICAN' THEN merged_proficient_or_above_count ELSE 0 END ) * 100.0 ) / ( NULLIF( SUM( CASE WHEN student_subgroup = 'BLACK_OR_AFRICAN_AMERICAN' THEN student_subgroup_total_tested ELSE 0 END ), 0 ) ) ) - ( ( SUM( CASE WHEN student_subgroup = 'WHITE' THEN merged_proficient_or_above_count ELSE 0 END ) * 100.0 ) / ( NULLIF( SUM( CASE WHEN student_subgroup = 'WHITE' THEN student_subgroup_total_tested ELSE 0 END ), 0 ) ) ) ) AS achievement_gap FROM stats_v11 WHERE stats_v11.data_level = 'STATE' AND stats_v11.student_group = 'RACE_ETH' AND state = 'Georgia' AND subject = 'MATH' AND merged_proficient_or_above_count IS NOT NULL AND student_subgroup_total_tested IS NOT NULL AND student_subgroup_total_tested > 0 GROUP BY school_year HAVING ( NULLIF( SUM( CASE WHEN student_subgroup = 'BLACK_OR_AFRICAN_AMERICAN' THEN student_subgroup_total_tested ELSE 0 END ), 0 ) ) > 0 AND ( NULLIF( SUM( CASE WHEN student_subgroup = 'WHITE' THEN student_subgroup_total_tested ELSE 0 END ), 0 ) ) > 0
Notable Events
Georgia (2014-15): In 2015, the state administered a new math assessment, the Georgia Milestones End-of-Grade (EOG) Assessment. Results are not comparable to prior years.
Math vs Social Studies Performance in Georgia for 2011
"Math vs social studies in Georgia for 2011"
Math Scores in Alaska by Grade Over Time
"math scores in alaska by grade over time"
Achievement Gap in Writing Over Time between English Proficient and English Learning Students in Virginia
"Achievement gap in Virginia in writing over time between english proficient and english learning students"
Reading vs Science Performance in Georgia (2014)
"Reading vs science in Georgia for 2014"
Math vs Social Studies Performance in Michigan (2015)
"Math vs social studies in Michigan for 2015"